Monday, June 27, 2005

After 10 years.....

I went to Mobile1 in Makati today to pick up my membership card and I thought I'd squeeze in a few downloads while I was there. :) However, when I got there, the sole computer dedicated for Pocket PC Downloads was occupied by another member. So I had no choice but to sit my butt on one of their comfy chairs and wait for my turn. (Buti nga kamo they had comfy chairs) As luck would have it, I sat there for what seemed like an eternity... Luckily they also offered free WiFi access so you wouldn't get bored. But after a few unsucessful attempts at blogging (yes, i wanted to post one while I was there), I grew kinda restless and just sat there. Sadly, the downside of using WiFi with mobile devices is that not all the sites you want to go to are compatible with your web browser version. :( sigh.. So i was just sitting there, thinking about what a great waste of time it was (remember, I haven't finished studying yet.. see previous post..), when at long last, the guy finally stood up and it was my turn! Hallelujah!!! =P

It wasn't a very productive download day. I only got a handful of EBooks (Netter, Harrisons 16th, etc) coz the files were so big and took so long to download!! But the most important thing I was able to download was the program called Pocket Slides, which is essentially Powerpoint for the Pocket PC. :D That's cool..

Now for the gripes.. I wish Mobile1 would get another computer to accomodate the multitudes of PPC-toting members so we wouldn't have to wait so long just to get a handful of downloads.. Sayang talaga sa oras.. Those guys on Palm have it easy. They've got two computer stations for their downloading pleasure.. Its just not fair! =P

It's amazing. I never thought I'd find myself blogging at a regular basis, especially in the middle of the schoolyear. =P I find it kinda therapeutic actually. At least now I have some kind of creative outlet to defeat the overwhelming madness that is medical school. hehehe :)

Oh, and by the way, I'm almost done with my readings. I guess a little proper time management and determination to get things done will really go a long way.. ;)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Manila Day, Unproductivity, and the NBA Finals..

It's the first day of a long weekend down the drain, and I just wasted it! Damn!! Yup, its Manila Day, and that means NO SCHOOL! :D I really thought I'd get some work done, but as I look over to my left and see the pile of handouts/xerox I haven't read plus the list of unchecked things that I haven't done, I couldn't help but say to myself: "Dude, where'd the day go?''...

A chunk of it was spent watching the NBA Finals. Hats off to both teams. It was a great, hard-fought series! First Game 7 in 11 years!!! And it went down the wire!! :D It can't get any better that that! I was rooting for Detroit though.. :P However, I won't take anything way from the Spurs, 'coz the winner of a series like this truly deserves to be called a CHAMPION! :D

I knew it was too good to last... The forum I put up for our batch in medicine is barely hanging on by a thread(pun not intended).. It prospered beautifully over the summer, being supported by roughly a dozen active members. But as the schoolyear drew nearer, the postings stopped coming and the entire thing just grinded to a halt.. Oh well..

You might ask: If you're so flustered about being unproductive today, then what are you doing online now? Shouldn't you be studying or something?"

Well, to you tell the truth, I was already trying to get some sleep when, after tossing and turning for quite a bit, I found out that I couldn't. So here I am barely awake clacking away at the keyboard, and no, I'm in no shape to study! =P The past week left me just totally drained.. And I know I'm not the only one.. I dunno if it's because we're adjusting to the heavier workload or our bodies and minds still aren't used to studying after that long relaxing summer break (sigh!). Honestly, I felt that my body would break in half last night 'coz I was SOOO tired when I got home. My back hurt really bad, and I could barely stand straight when i tried to get up from bed.

It's getting pretty late. I better turn in while the getting's good. I'm gonna try get up early to swim tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it weekly so I could stay fit and sharp throughout the schoolyear..

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Third Year blues...

Wow ha! It's been quite some time since i last posted anything.. I just saw Reg's blog and thought, what the hell! If he can do it, i can too! =P

We're now roughly two weeks into the schoolyear. I'd have to say we got a kick out of coming back to school, with our NEW V-NECK uniforms and all. =D Its amazing how much respect a uniform can command around the campus, one that has UPPERCLASSMAN written all over it.. hehe.. power trip..

But surely enough, the novelty soon wore off, and we were once again exposed to the daily grind of a medical student's life. And believe me, the 3rd year workload is no joke! We're in school monday to friday the whole day from 7am. Having about a dozen subjects doesn't help either.. =P At least I've discovered a better way to manage my time (finally) and hopefully i'll be able to maintain this level of efficiency throughout the year.. (coz if i don't, then I'm DEAD!)

I watched Batman Begins last Sunday with the family. Good movie. At first I was apprehensive about watching another hero flick, 'coz a guy can only take so much! To my surprise, it didn't disappoint, and I'd probably go as far to say that it's a better movie than Episode 3. No offense to all the Star Wars fans out there (as i am also one of them), but for me, I feel that it's a better stand-alone movie than EP3. Sure the movie (EP3) was great and the visuals were nothing short of fantastic. But i feel that the main strength of the Star Wars franchise is the continuity aspect, and that hyped things up so much for EP3 that i felt kinda lost in all the hoopla..

I know i'm not making much sense, so let me just say that I expected a great movie with EP3 and got what i came for. But with Batman I was expecting NOTHING and came out of the cinema in total EXHILARATION.. ;)

That's all for now. I'll try to keep the updates going.. :)

Oh, and by the way, I'd like to welcome the Freshmen of UST Med batch 2009!!!!

Be afraid, be very afraid.... bwahahaha!!