A hodgepodge of posts encompassing various topics ranging from the very mundane to the absolutely insane. Timeline extends from my years in medical school and beyond.. It's a long journey, and you're welcome to tag along for the ride.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Buckling up..
In line with this, I would like to thank everone who had been instrumental in making this year a very unique and memorable one..
- God, of course. He set me along this path to help me rejuvenate and rediscover what he probably wanted me to do with my life. Thank you for helping me maximize what would otherwise have been a wasted year. You truly work in mysterious ways, and I thank you forthe many woderful surprises I have stumbled across along the way. :D
- My family, for their continued support during the rough time I had during the transition from pre-res to normalcy, and beyond. :D
- My "Sweet Inspiration", it was an honor to see you make it through the boards. Thank you for your unfailing love and support especially during those times when I really needed you.. ;)
- The "Brotherhood", thank you for answering the call. It was great to see you guys again, and I hope we could all meet up sometime in the near future (and hopefully we'll be complete by then :P) But November is a little sketchy for me, so I guess you'll have to convene the "Brethren Court" without me. :P
- The staff of the "Company". :P Thank you for accepting me as one of your own, and for entrusting your health to me. Thank you for the experience I've gained as your company doc, and all the different insights I've gained while being a part of something other than a medical/hospital community. A big thank you to my loyal patients (mostly from the warehouse), whose unfailing commitment to follow up with me makes me feel like I'm doing something really worthwhile.
- "Grand uncle", thank you for the warm welcome, and for treating me as one of your own. Thank you for this unique opportunity and experience, and for all the food too! :D
- Cousin "Grumpy", you've affected my life in a way you'll never imagine, setting me along a path where I now feel I should have tread a long time ago. Thank you for showing me the way, and for believing in me (although you hardly show it :P).
- "Auntie Doktora", the mother of "Grumpy", who is probably looking down from heaven watching over us. I guess you had a hand in all of this as well. Thank you.. I won't let you down, and your legacy WILL live on in us.. I promise...
- "LittleSister", it was a pleasure to finally get to know you. I feel you deserve special mention here because meeting you was one of the things that made this year so unique. :P Thanks for all your concern for us during the flood. Good luck in your studies and playing! :D
- "Second cousins" (Rain, TwinBrother, TallTree), thanks for all the fun times we shared this year. It was great reconnecting with you and getting to meet your spouses (NineBoss and CrocWrestler), and the little baby too! :D Thanks for letting me see the world through a whole new perspective.
- Dra. "Pulmo consultant", thank you for letting me share your clinic and position for this limited period of time, and for all the experience and advice you've imparted. Thank you for your words of praise and encouragement. Sorry I chose not to train at your hospital. It's just too far po kasi eh. :P
I've been studying (relatively) more as of late, in preparation for the forthcoming month. I hope I can make a good impression and eventually get accepted, because I've already had my year off, and now I'm raring to go!..
The starting line is in sight.. The tank is full and I'm revving up the engine. Strap yourselves in, we're in for one hell of a ride! :D
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm suddenly on a "simplicity kick" a day after I bought a pair of long-sleeved shirts (on sale! 50%!) for use during pre-residency (and hopefully residency as well). When I got home, I took stock of the clothes I was using on a regular basis. I was most struck by my footwear. Apparently, I had been getting by with using only 4 pairs:
- A pair of slippers for home use and short trips (ie. to the supermarket, etc)
- A pair of adidas trainers I had bought on sale which served as my all-around casual/gym shoes
- A pair of black leather shoes which I wear to work (incidentally, I had bought these for residency last year :P)
- A pair of aging black suede shoes which have seen better days that I now only use during select "fancy" occasions
Thankfully, none of the four were swept away or damaged by the flooding, so I need not buy new ones. (although I was alarmed when I noticed that the sole of the trainers were starting to show wear and tear..) I'm not really much of a shoe person. In fact, I don't really recall having more than 5 or 6 pairs active at any given time. Still, it was a bit of an awakening to see my shoes lined up like that and realizing that a person COULD live simply if he/she really wanted to. As my dad always reminds me, its all about adjusting your wants and living within your means. This basically entails making sure your basic needs are met while tuning down your lifestyle to something sustainable within your given income bracket.
People have to adapt to their situations, and must learn to make the most of things. Otherwise, he/she would end up miserable because the wants are not met while at the same time the needs are neglected in favor of the former.
I guess the main questions that need to be asked here are: "What do you feel is important to YOU?" and "What do you think SHOULD be given importance?". Depending on the person, the answers to these very similar questions may vary widely..
I'm not one to give a lecture on how one should manage his/her money, but I can say that happiness is not defined by how much money one has or whatever he/she spends it on. It's about those intangibles that make up the human experience like faith, family, friends, and love, things that money truly cannot buy..
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thoughts Along a Hospital Hallway
Monday, October 5, 2009
Recollections from the "Storm Week"
When we got home, Hallelujah! The streetlamps were on!! We had power! :D Dad switched on the breaker power for the entire 2nd floor and the ground floor lights ONLY (since the water level had risen higher than the power outlets). Phone lines were restored a little later, so everything was returning to normal.. somewhat..
Friday, October 2, 2009
Weather You Like It Or Not
Commonwealth Avenue 9/26/09 1:00 PM
Good thing I was able to bring along the plastic cylindrical case of my shades, so I had an improvised wee-bag as well.. hehehehe! 😜
Just as I was finishing the above paragraph, the cars in front began to move, but about 50 meters later, things are at a standstill once again.. 😅
Anyway, as I made my way back to the car with my precious cargo on hand, I had the misfortune of half-stepping into a shallow puddle and I got my feet wet. 😐
Safe Haven 4:50 PM - Petron Commonwealth near Philcoa
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Waiting, Hoping, Praying..
It's amazing how time flies. It seems only yesterday when I was in a similar situation while I was applying for NeuroPsych pre-residency, although I don't recall ever being worried during the entire application process. I guess this was probably due to the fact that I was scrambling for requirements and didn't have time to be worried or to think about the possibility of my application not being accepted..
Hmmm, now that I've thought about it, last year I was driven by a sense of destiny, that it was something I was really meant to do. My idealism was running at an all-time high during those days, and I felt that I could take whatever they throw at me. Well, that really wasn't far from the truth, as the workload was bearable and I was fully prepared to go the distance and finsh the entire month of every-other-day duties. However, fate had other things in mind, and when the idealism fizzled away, I found myself searching for something very different.
Well, I've had my year off, and what a wonderful year it has been. :D Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I've had a unique opportunity to see the "other side of the fence" that people don't normally get to experience when they immediately proceeed with residency. In the lingo of Psychiatry, I was able to "satisfy certain needs and desires" which I may have been repressing due to the demands of my training. Finally, I was able to let loose and live life the way wanted to (which basically consists of lazing around and going places on my own , a luxury that used to be hard to come by, while using my miniscule amount of hard-earned cash) :P I know I've already mentioned the stuff I was able to do this year in a previous post, so I won't delve into that any more.
Fast-forward one year, and here I am, hoping to be a pre-resident once again, and this time it's for keeps! But until that fateful text arrives, there's nothing left to do but wait, hope, and pray... :(
Friday, September 18, 2009
Kape't Burrito
Although a total of 4 of us attended the meet, there were only 3 present at any given time, since Ced had to leave before the legal eagle arrived (a couple of hours late due to heavy EDSA traffic). :D
It was a blast hanging out with these guys again. Every time we get together, it's as if nothing's changed and we were all back in Grade School again, laughing like there's no tomorrow. :D
As the evening wore on, a question emerged over cups of Figaro coffee which remained unanswered at the conclusion of the session:
"What is a Kolat, and why the hell would you want to assassinate it?"
Hopefully, this mystery would be resolved at the next convention.. :P
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
BrainiaxMD's Onion Soup
Ever since I tasted French Onion Soup at some Italian (huh?) resto in Rob Galleria, it got me thinking that, "hey, I could do that!". I forgot this impulse after a while, but it came back to me recently and I looked up recipes online for my little experiement.
It tasted great, but lacked the mozerrella cheese and the croutons since I was on a budget and we didn't have the luxury of an oven. Still, I guess it was ok. Not bad for an amateur chef wannabe. :P Here is the humble recipe which I have devised after drawing from the different ideas available on the web:
4 medium-sized onions, sliced thinly
approx 2 tbsp butter
4 cups water
2 pcs Knorr beef cubes (wala akong mahanap na beef stock eh :P)
1/2 cup white wine
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
Let onions fry in butter for around 5 minutes until they become soft and translucent. In a separate pot, dissolve the broth cubes in water and put in the flour while the water is not yet hot so that the flour dissolves evenly. When the onions are done, transfer them to the pot and place all the other ingredients as well. Let boil for around 15 mins under low to medium heat and voila! Fancy-ass resto-quality soup! :D
Monday, September 7, 2009
Missing my friends...
I'm sure that I will make new acquaintances and friends should I get accepted to my current hospital of choice, but nothing would be able to replace all that we have been through.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mr. Donutting...
Sitting here now at the Mr.Donut branch in Greenhills, sipping coffee while waiting for the barber shop to open, I reflected on the madness that transpired last night
It was the first time I witnessed such drama unfold online. It was clear that people were anxiously waiting. Status messages were flying all over on Facebook, ranging from nervous oubursts of examinees to encouraging words from upperclasmen (myself included) who've been there and done that. Then the news started trickling out.. The results will be out that night!
At that moment I knew the full list of successful examines would be out around 30 minutes later, but I was still unable to contain my excitement. This 2nd part of the wait was agonizingly slow, since it was like prolonging the inevitable..
True enough, the word was soon out that the list was already being posted bit by bit, which led to even more anxiety because the name I was looking for was near the end of the alphabet. =P
The outpouring of love and congratulations online was really a sight to behold. Thanks to Facebook's Flash-based system, I was able to see the greetings pile up in real time. I knew the people sitting in front of their computers at home were either speechless, crying, praising God, calling family and friends, or maybe all of the above. :D
It was definitely a unique experience for such a momentous occasion for our new colleagues, and I'm glad to have been part of it. ;)
What a rush!! (Med boards Aug '09)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
LIving life is akin to this long list of stuff that you have to arrange in order of importance. How you prioritize things directly affects the way you live your life.
People, places, opportunities, etc, all influence the way we think and decide, and the way we go about our daily lives. Though it may seem s bit grade school-ish. I've lumped together all these things under 5 very broad categories, namely:
God/Personal belief
Bear in mind that with our society today, prioritizing things isn't as simple as putting one category atop the other, since each category is an entire meshwork of choices, actions, people, etc, in itself, the priority of each individual item greatly varying from person to person.
The trick is making your "list" work for you by taking stock of what you already have and striving to make the most of it. For example, the simple working class guy may dream of living in a big mansion and driving a really fancy car someday, but if he's smart, he'll accept that those things aren't really feasible at the moment and instead should work towards simpler, more reasonable and attainable goals (like his kids' education for example), which when accomplished, may eventually pave the way to bigger things. The proper order of things in the list is crucial. Choosing to prioritize something that supposedly belongs lower on the list (like the fancy car in our example) may seriously jeopardize the simpler goals that NEED to be attained, or as some people would put is, one needs to balance his/her NEEDS and WANTS.
I've applied the same principle to my own choices (some of which I've already committed to [read Alea Jacta Est]. It makes it so much easier when you put things in perspective and be realistic about stuff, because the fires of idealism can only get you so far, and you run the risk of ignoring a lot after being blinded by your "ultimate" goal..
We'll just see what develops.. ;)
I attacked the puzzle with such gusto that it made me wonder why I was like that. I mean, I was really on a roll, fitting piece after piece effortlessly, flipping ill-fitting pieces around to find the perfect fit, while taking short breaks to regard the overall picture that was developing and comparing it to the original. In short, the puzzle didn't seem to puzzle me much. :P
I told my cousin that in soving these puzzles, one must be systematic, tackling the edges first then building the inside from there. He mentioned something about a different approach by doing things spontaneously (I can't recall what he really said), which obviously results in finishing at a slower rate.
After completing the puzzle (victory!), I reflected on the relative ease I had doing it (as compared to my cousin who seemed to be going about it a bit slower) and recalled an aptitude test I took in high school which revealed that I was good in spatial relations.. Does that mean I should've been better off as an engineer instead of a doctor? :P
Whatever the case, I (re)discovered that I had a knack for solving puzzles, and for putting stuff together to form a cohesive whole (what? :P). I may be reading too much into this, but I felt that there was a very good reason for that chance puzzle encounter.. It was as if God was trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what it is.. Could it be related to life's great choices that I have to make? Hmm... ;)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Joey de Leon’s poem for Willie Revillame
Article taken from Petiksmode.com
Joey de Leon’s poem for Willie Revillame
Written by Keeyo on August 11th, 2009
Joey de Leon published a poem in his Philippine Star column last Sunday criticizing Wowowee host Willie Revillame’s behavior last last August 3, 2009 where he asked to remove the inset video of former President Cory Aquino’s funeral cortege.
Here is the complete poem:
The funeral cortege of former Pres. Cory Aquino: My tears came naturallyWala na sa piling ng mga Pilipino,
Tinig ng awiting Mga Kababayan Ko,
At lumisan na rin noong isang Sabado,
Inang nagpalipad sa awiting Bayan Ko.
Ako’y sumasaludo, paalam Pangulo,
May isa ‘kong lihim, kay tagal itinago,
Sa lahat nang inabot kong mga namuno,
Tanging ikaw lang sa luha ko’y nagpatulo.
Marami ang nalungkot sa iyong pagyao,
Magalang ang lahat at puno ng respeto,
Nagpasalamat pa nga Kapamilya sa ‘yo,
Dahil kanilang himpilan naibalik mo.
Subalit ano itong nabalitaan ko?
Nangyari noong Lunes, a-tres ng Agosto,
Habang inililipat ang mga labi mo,
Ika’y parang nabastos sa isang TV show.
At ang napakasaklap at masakit dito,
Ang nambastos pa’y kapamilya ng anak mo,
Napanood ito ng tao at publiko,
Kakaunti na nga, ngunit lahat nahilo.
Sabi ng TV host na mainit ang ulo
Pagkakita sa video na kanyang kasalo,
“Sandali, meron akong ano… sa’ting ano…
Hindi naman sa ano,” nagkaanu-ano!
Ayon sa Internet, meron pa s’yang nasambit,
“Sana pakitanggal muna ‘yan sa’ting traffic…”
At ‘di maaalis sa iyong pag-iisip,
Ang parada ng patay ang pinaliligpit!
At dagdag pa daw ng naghahari-harian,
“I don’t think na dapat n’yong ipakita iyan…”
Nasaan naman ang paggalang, o nasaan?
Mga sinasabi natin minsa’y pag-ingatan.
At ‘di pa nangimi nang sumunod na araw,
Pinilit pa ring ginawa n’ya ay tama raw,
Mga nakarinig ‘di na nakagalaw
At ayon sa iba sila na la’y napa-wow!
“… Pero ako, totoo ‘ko eh … “, sabi kuno,
Totoo nga at totoo ring walang modo,
Pwede namang sabihin itong pa-sikreto,
Kaya’t wala na rin mga paliwanag mo.
“Kung ganyan, pakita na lang ‘yan!”, ang hamon pa,
Para bang ang prusisyon nila-“lang – lang” lang ba,
Ang pangasiwaan ay pinapili pa n’ya,
Sumunod ang himpilan, nung August 5 wala s’ya.
May mga komentong pwede nang pang-harapan,
“On camera” baga sa TV ang tawag d’yan
At kung sensitibo man ang gustong bitawan,
Pagpasok ng commercial, hintayin mo na lang.
Matutong magbaba muna ng mikropono
At saka idikta lahat ng iyong gusto,
Lagi kang mataas lahat daw takot sa ‘yo,
Ratings lang ang mababa — totoo ba ito?
The breaking news breaks your heart — at ‘yan ang bawi mo,
Nang mahalata mong sumablay ang pasok mo,
Pero sigurado ika’y maa-abswelto,
‘Di ba ikaw rin ang may-ari ng network n’yo?
Nung Hueves nag-apologize sa diario naman,
O, akala ko ba wala kang kasalanan,
Tapos ng angalan, sunod paliwanagan —
COMPLAIN before you EXPLAIN ka na naman!
O ito kaya ay isa na namang “glitch” lang,
Tulad ng “two-zero” ‘di na natin nalaman,
O ito ay maliwanag na kabobohan?
Sa tingin ng marami, mahirap lusutan.
Ang sabi ng iba — istupidong mayabang,
At giit ng iba — istupidong mayaman,
Mayaman man o mayabang ang tiyak diyan,
Napakayaman n’ya sa kaistupiduhan.
Buti pa ang apat na honor guards ni Cory —
Sina Malab, Laguindan, Rodriguez, Cadiente,
Walong oras tumayo sa ulan at viaje,
Ang lahat ay tiniis at walang sinabi.
Samantalang ikaw na may bubong sa ulo,
Komportable ka lang sa malamig na studio,
Nang kapirasong libing sa TV sumalo,
Angal at inis ang sumambulat sa iyo.
Maaari din namang pabayaan na s’ya,
Subalit ang nangyari’y mabigat talaga,
Namayapang pangulo’y huling paalam na,
‘Di mo pa pinagbigyan … hoy, nag-iisa ka!
At nais ko lang sabihin at ipagyabang
Sa mahigit na s’yam na libong tanghalian,
Sa limang pangulong sa Bulaga’y dumaan,
Kahit isa wala kaming nilapastangan.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tita Cory's honor guards
ARMY (Green) - Pfc. Antonio Cadiente
AIR FORCE (Dark Blue w/ white pants) - Airman Second Class Gener Laguindan
NAVY (all white) - Petty Officer 3 Edgardo Rodriguez
POLICE (Dark blue w/ blue pants) - Police Officer 1 Danilo Maalab
Although they will be receiving commendations from their mother units, I wanted to thank them for doing a good job of watching over Tita Cory. What they accomplished was no small feat. Imagine standing umoving atop a flatbed truck, totally exposed to the elements, for more than 8 hours, while the truck made its way SLOWLY through a massive throng of people.. and oh yeah, NO C.R .BREAKS!!
Gentlemen, I'm really impressed. Good job! :D
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Goodbye, Tita Cory...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Power on!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a season.. :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Just when I thought I could sit around and rest...
Sigh.. there goes another entire afternoon... Hehehe
Games today:
4PM FEU vs AdU
The games aren' t as interesting as I'd like. However, the first game might pack a little more punch, as both these teams have yet to chalk up wins this season. I can't say I can favor either of the 2, with UP performing mediocre as usual (the only consistent bright spot being the spirited play of former UAAP Rookie of the Year Woody Co), while LaSalle's rookie-laden lineup suffers from the lack of steady production from the veterans who took over the vacuum left behind by Rico Maierhoffer and JV Casio
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Personality Test by iPersonic
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
The movie was all that we've grown to expect through the years from a Harry Potter movie, all the while maintaining a distinct flavor which sets each book of the series apart from the rest.
Not surprisingly, this movie takes a much darker tone right from the very beginning. It also shows a bit too much of the hormonally-charged preoccupations of the main characters of the series, but then again, I think they're just being true to the text. :P
J.K. Rowling's storytelling comes alive yet again. The Vanishing cabinet is exactly the way I imagined it when I read the book. The quidditch sequences were both intense and comical (particularly Ron's), but I feel that they were too short and left me wanting for a lot more. More quidditch plz!!! :P They did a really good job on the scenes where Harry and Dumbledore went to retrieve the horcrux, although I think the "trial of Dumbledore" as I'd like to call it, was a bit watered down so as not to scare off the kids.
Special effects were still aplenty in this movie, but It was nowhere near the visual spectacle they put together in the fifth movie where you had the battle scenes in the Ministry of Magic.
I think the way they portrayed Dumbledore's death was brilliant. After he was zapped by Snape, a kind of haunting music could be heard in the background as the Death Eaters made their way out of the castle (unopposed! Was that how they left in the book? Parang hindi ata...oh well), after which they showed the entire studentry, faculty and staff standing around the body of Dumbledore and lifting their glowing wands to displel the Death Eater symbol hanging ominously above the castle grounds.
I'll give it a 4/5 because although I found it really great, it didn't give anything totally unexpected or breathtaking, and I was frustrated with the relative lack of magic.. but then again, maybe that's just me. ;)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Jacko tribute

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Care for a bit of crocodylus meatus?
Crocodile meat is now commercially available at all Nueve Cafe branches which are located inside selected Wilcon Depot stores (Alabang Zapote Road, Balintawak, Libis, Filinvest Alabang, Pasong Tamo, and Mexico Pampanga)
The meat is sold in packs of 250g each.
There's even a fancy-ass recipe printed at the back of the pack. It's low in cholesterol and said to be good for asthma DAW.. Kaya't subukan niyo na! :P
I believe they're also coming out with crocodile meat dishes to be served at the Nueve branches so you could sample how it would taste like before buying it.
Nueve sells lots more food items other than the croc meat. CLICK HERE to visit their Multiply site for menu items, location info, and more details. (although I believe the site hasn't been updated for quite some time na.. the menu items are still more or less the same, and the maps may prove helpful)
Weaning Off

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Missing C.A.T.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Doctor Patient (part 2)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
This new TF movie picks up where the first one left off. The Autobots are in cooperation with the world governments in hunting and destroying Decepticon remnants around the globe. I won't delve too much into the plot so as not to spoil it for anyone. ;) So... I'll just give my own assessment on certain basic points.
Visuals - IMAX or not, the CG rendered Transformers are a sight to behold. (Although I find them a little too "dirty" with too much transformation going on as compared to the original robots of cartoon lore)
Plot - pretty sketchy at best, but I liked it as it gives additional depth to the lore of the TF universe. Too much movie time is spent following Sam (Shia LaBeouf) running around, running away from Decepticons, etc.. I liked the critical plot twists though. ;)
Audio - Soundtrack? Well, it has what anyone would have come to expect from a "realistic" scifi movie, with lots of metal in the background. But it also has master soundtrack guy Hans Zimmer aboard, and that makes it cool. Voice acting was so-so at best, except when Peter Cullen's booming voice makes itself heard whenever Prime opens his vocabulators. :P Having the Transformers speak in Cybertronian (as in the first movie) is always a cool touch.
Acting - Nothing really extraordinary. Well, Megan Fox is hot.. :P
All in all, I give it a 4/5 only out of respect for the TF franchise. (should've been a 3) I grew up watching this stuff on TV, and it was great having seen real-life movie adaptations, although I'm thankful that Michael Bay is fed up with the Transformers and dosen't want to do any more TF movies. Will someone bring back the old-school robots please?... Oh, and Devastator sucked ass.. :P