A hodgepodge of posts encompassing various topics ranging from the very mundane to the absolutely insane. Timeline extends from my years in medical school and beyond.. It's a long journey, and you're welcome to tag along for the ride.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I've closed down my blog on Blogspot, as it appears that my recent attempts to cross-post from Multiply have failed. As such, that blog was no longer current". Apart from this reason, I also wanted to close it down seeing as I have this Multiply blog already. Yun lang.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Phone problem :(
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My "Urban" reflection paper
BrainiaxMD '07
Saturday, May 23, 2009
El Matadero
Friday, May 22, 2009
Of stars and mushrooms
*Note: I didn't bother to do any extensive research on the topic, so don't blast me if I may seem wrong. :P
In my opinion, Mario became popular because:
1) It was devilishly easy to play
2) The game world really absorbs you, with all the cutesy graphics and the pleasant soundtrack, you'd forget about Mario's life and death struggle to get to the princess
3) In relation to #2, you play the game despite that because it seems so.. peaceful... :D
Nintendo was really able to find a perfect balance of game elements which made the Mario franchise (and their company as well) a huge success. It's no wonder that with every new console that they come out with, Mario will always be there with some new game to lead the charge.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
1. having wings; winged
2. having membranous expansions like wings
- noun
3. the winged form of an insect when both winged and wingless forms occur in the species
Remember all those flying ant-things that always fly around light sources usually before it rains? Well, we had an entire swarm of 'em here in the house!!
Yup, ganyan nga. Grabe, I never saw so many of them INDOORS! I'm saying probably a thousand or so! :P Mom told us to kill the lights for a while and hunkered down in our rooms, emerging later on to find that they had totally disappeared... Strange.. Well, not really. Apparently they all decided to drop down anf lose their wings, leaving behind a lot of debris on the staircase. As I helped mom sweep the wings (and the wingless creepy-crawlies), we discovered that we had a minor termite infestation going on! This was quickly remedied (I hope by well-placed sprays of Baygon insect killer, or would serve as a stopgap measure for the meantime.
During the time our staircase was abuzz with the sound of a thousand flying insects, I noted that the streetlights outside had no insect activity whatsoever, which was pretty strange since they are usually more on the outside than indoors. My curiosity was piqued, and I combed the internet for information regarding the famous "gamu-gamo" immortalized by the great Dr. Jose Rizal, and this is what I found out..
1) Apparently, the term "gamu-gamo" locally used for these flying things is acutally the Filipino term for Moth
2) Having discovered fact #1 and seeing that gamu-gamo was a dead end, I then looked up information on termites and ran into the term "alate", which referred to the winged form of the termites that are related to the propagation of their species. This info correlates with the presence of the newly-discovered termite infestation, but how come there were so many?... I guess we'll have to find out tomorrow...
I can haz "ULTIMATE" cheezburger? :D
I thought "uh-oh, that wasn't right!" and scanned the overhead menu for what I really meant to order, which turned out to be a cheeseburger DELUXE :P
Ordering FAIL. Hahahaha :D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Writing Bug
It's as though I've rediscovered a part of myself that I left in the corner gathering dust these past few months. The novelty will soon wear off yet again, but I intend to make the most of it for the meantime.
Hmm.. the title I made severely limits the scope of this entry.. No worries, I shall just go and make another for my topic of choice. :P
All of a sudden...
It really puzzles me as to why, because ever since I decided to take the year off on that fateful day, I have been living life according to my own design and thus am supposed to be.. happy.
Here's a recap of the things i have achieved thus far (which I definitely eouldn't had I gone into residency)
- celebrated Christmas AND New Year with the family for the first time in 3 years
- got my Pocket PC fixed at last
- attended Ahia Ed's wedding, Ben and Careen's wedding, and Cedric's reception :P
- bought additional RAM for my ailing laptop
- revamped my wardrobe (a little bit :P)
- went to Pansol for swimming and Intramuros for the Parol Festival with family and family friends
- visited Bahay Tsinoy and the Light and Sound Museum at Intramuros
- dabbled in a bit of outpatient management
- gotten started on cleaning up "my" room which had become a storage area of sorts through the years (still in progress)
- learned how to cook WELL ENOUGH to save my life :P
- cheered for XS as we won yet another championship in the MMTLBA :S
- was able to reconnect with my cousins wh i had kinda lost contact with
- went to HK with the family (a first!)
- was able to watch really cool movies like Star Trek and Watchmen on the big screen
and on a more serious note:
- was able to provide adequate palliative care for my maternal grandmother until she left us to go into the next life...
That's strange.. After having written all of these down, things don't ssem quite as bad as it did a while ago. I guess this is what results from "counting your blessings". :D
Breaking things down, I'm able to identify what might be caused me to be trapped in this funk..
- the feeling of a friend betraying your trust
- "recent events" that lead me to question where I am headed and what I should do
- the really lousy weather (its raining hard intermittently, in the middle of SUMMER!)
- my growing addiction to Facebook, which thus takes its toll on my productivity (this must stop! and it begins now...)
- frustration at my inability to leave the house on a whim (because I'm not really much of a "go out" kinda person)
With all this in mind, I seek to make myself feel better by making some changes in the next couple of weeks.. Hopefully I'll be able to find a reason to smile again by then..
Trust vs Mistrust
I just learned recently that a close friend revealed a secret that I said was supposed to be kept under wraps as much as possible. It's just so frustrating because I wouldn't reveal this particular bit of info to just anyone. Although it's not secret that is life-threatening or anything of the like, the fact that it was revealed leaves me feeling betrayed... :(
I really hate it when people attribute this to "its just his/her nature". This destroys all accountability for the revelation. I don't want to sound self- righteous or anything, but when a person confides in me and tells me not to tell a soul, I really honor that request although the secrets may seem harmless, they are being kept secret for a reason. In fact, I've kept a number of secrets through the years so long that I may have already forgotten all about them because I never told anyone.. Sigh.. its really difficult to find someone you can trust, and I'm learning that the hard way..
When I was a child learning about the different books available at the library (fiction, atlases, encyclopedias, biographies, etc) in Reading class, I was intrigued by the number of autobiographies available. I thought it must have been really tedious for those old guys to look back and remember their lives in the greatest detail possible and put it down on paper, as I even had trouble just remembering what I ate for breakfast that morning. :P As i grew up, my concept of the autobiography evolved as well. When we were introduced to journal writing when we were in high school, I kinda enjoyed it, especially when the teacher would put his or her comments and insights into what I had written down, which is why I think I was drawn to the concept of blogging. Its really a hoot to recieve comments from people who've read what you've posted, but I digress. Eventually, I took to journal writing on my own, chronicling the events of my otherwise mundane life. Conspicously absent from my personal accounts were the trials I endured during high school. I guess there's a part of everyones life that he or she dosen't want to relive again, especially if it seemed pretty traumatic to the person. I've made my peace with my past.. I think.. :P Journal writing gave me free reign of my abilities at creative expression. It was my escape from the dreary day-to-day routine that was my life. t allowed me to vent my anger and frustrations in a safe manner and to keep my happy moments fresh to be relived another day.
People generally have this desire to express themselves. Cave paintings dating back to the dawn of humankind attest to this. There's this need to share one's experiences and insights to others. For some, it may be a way of immortalizing oneself and ones legacy. For others, it may be solely for monetary gain, or the chance to boost one's ego. :P
I prefer to think of my writing as a creative exercise, with a small chance of earning a few bucks on the side. ;) I'll have to give this idea some thought. Who knows, I might be hitting the shelves of your nearest bookstore soon, albeit with a lot less venom than I'd normally prefer. Hahahaha :D
I shall not discuss the event that transpired which ultimately resulted in this blog entry. Rather, I would like to discuss the nature of my current state..
“Planning ahead”, two simple words that may seem so ordinary, so plain, and yet they hold so much significance. On the battlefield, a well-laid plan may spell the difference between total victory or an overwhelming defeat. A builder uses plans to ensure the proper construction of whatever structure he intends to erect. Even a physician utilizes plans of treatment to tackle the management of different diseases.
We use plans in our daily lives. It may be as complex as the examples stated above, or as simple as a mother making a to-do list for the day a driver visualizing a route to his destination, or a student deciding on which topic to study first. Whether it’s a short-term or long-term goal, plans are an inescapable part of our nature
Alas, no plan is perfect, and even the best-laid plans can be undone. An overlooked minor detail may bring about disaster, depending on the nature of the goal intended by the plan. Which is why the wise make contingencies, backups that can be utilized in the event that their perfect masterpiece somehow goes awry. This is why ships are designed to have lifeboats, fighter pilots are given parachutes, and cars are constructed with seatbelts and airbags.
But what if one blindly decides not to make a contingency plan? What if that person puts so much faith In his perceived plan that he or she makes no allowance for failure? What if there is no “Plan B”? What then?...
I went through a period like this when I dropped out of pre-residency some 8 months ago. I was so adamant that I would stick to the path I laid out before myself: (Med school > Internship > Boards > immediate Residency) that I never thought of what other alternatives I might explore should my original plan falter. It was an unpleasant experience. When I decided to stop for the meantime, I saw all my plans crumbling down. I was scrambling for alternatives, thinking about options I would never really have considered in my normal state. I lucked out in the fact that the family was very supportive and I somehow got back on track (while actually living life for a change :D). Thus it came to be that I’m sitting here now, typing away, during what would arguably be the most productive year of my life.
I now have a new plan, of course, but it seems more flexible than the first. I finally listened to the advice of my folks to just “let things flow”. At first it seemed a bit too carefree for my overly uptight nature, but this vacation does things to you.. ;)
It seems like such a nice story, right? I mean, everything came around full circle, and I’m presently preparing myself to get back on the path to being “all that I can be” as a physician, but as we say in Medicine, there may be more than one pathology involved…
Recent events have brought me to question the very core of my plans for the future. No, I’m not talking about where to have residency or what program I should enter. I’m talking about stuff that would define my practice of Medicine as a whole, things that could spell the difference between living a life happy and content, or one filled with longing and regret. All of this is hinged on just one apparently simple decision, and the decision is influenced by one simple fact… a fact that I made absolutely no contingencies for in case anything goes wrong.. And therein lies my folly..
Friday, May 8, 2009
Live it, Love it!
“Sampan ride” area at
Mid-level of
Monday, May 4, 2009
Hay! Men! Ang blog ng mga tunay na lalake!
Ang tunay na lalake, 'di kelangan ng description.