Finally having the time (and willingness to exert the effort), I presently find myself typing away in a futile attempt to play catch-up with everything left unpublished. As the title says, I find myself sifting through a ton of topics I wanted to post but never really got around to doing. Bursts of inspiration come from the most unfortunate of circumstances, like when I'm in the shower or on the road, where my computer is not at all accessible. In order to not let good ideas go to waste, I struggle to remember them all, but in the end the power of procrastination defeats me and all my efforts are for naught (since I end up forgetting everything). So please excuse me if this entry seems to be a bit too much of a hodgepodge for anyone's tastes.
*man, I must be getting really rusty.. my grammar and sentence construction sucks! :P
As promised, I shall blog about the Med Mission I went to the other day..
The shirts were free! :D
I was fortunate enough to be invited by one of my former UST clerks to join a Medical and Surgical mission he organized for his church there in Naic, Cavite. Our group was composed of some of his medschool classmates who will be starting their respective post-graduate internships this coming May 1, along with several members of the UST-FMS Phi Sigma Gamma fraternity and the Theta Lamba Phi sorority.
It was an overnight trip, with the mission team meeting up in front of the UST Paypark McDonald's at around 3pm. We were then taken to this place called E.M's Resort there in Cavite where we were billeted for the night. The place wasn't really much to look at, but at least the rooms were air-conditioned, and cable tv was available. We were advised to pack swimgear as there was a pool at the resort. Like the venue, it wasn't really much to look at, but was large enough for my needs. The pool suffers for want of lighting though, since the far end has no lamps. Man, it felt really great to be in the water again! :D
Our host, "kuya" Alvin made good on his promise of keeping us well-fed. We had a sumptuous dinner and had a few drinks before calling it a night. The former clerkies introduced me to a rather strange concoction I had not encountered before, composed of vodka, Del Monte Fit and Right, and Jungle Juice! :P
As usual, I had trouble sleeping in a different bed, and wound up getting only about a hour's worth of real shut eye (since I wasn't accustomed to sleeping on a couch). We needed to be ready by 7am the following morning for a whole day's worth of work. After a quick shower, I felt really refreshed as I breathed in the clean country air. :)
I was told that we were expecting A LOT of patients to drop by, so I picked a spot an hunkered down for what would be one of the longest OPDs I have ever experienced. Initially, I was only one of 2 licensed physicians on hand (and I believe that I was the senior one at that), so I busied myself with the consults, not bothering with the circumcisions since the undergrad fratboys (and sorgirls) had that pretty much covered.
...and Surgical.
After a long day's work (with plenty of food in between), I was told that the final tally was 250 OPD consults, and 200 circumcisions. Not bad for a ragtag bunch on incoming interns, a former NeuroPsych resident, and some frat and sor people for reinforcement. ;)
I'll definitely miss this group of clerks
After a short break back at the resort, we were finally on our way home. Travelling via Coastal road is not as fast as SLEX, but it gets the job done. Besides, I think it's the favored route for that particular destination. Not a bad way to spend Maundy Thursday, eh? :P
I recently tried out the Angry Birds game to see what the fuss was all about. I thought it was really crazy the way people have gone cuckoo over it.
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the addictiveness of the game. Despite only playing via the PC version, this slingshot action puzzle game can really suck you in, trying to destroy green-skinned pigs hiding amidst ramshackle structures using different angry avian creatures of varying firepower. :P
I look at this game with a grain of salt though, as I sadly remember the golden age of PC gaming way back when games were not played as casually as they are now.
I was able to catch Alice and the Wonderland the other day on Star Movies, and I immediately fell in love with the quirky character of the White Queen played by Anne Hathaway.
She seems like such an enigma.. An isle of calm and simple strength amidst a tumultuous environment, all the while acting a little crazy and confused.. Oh, and she's quite the looker too. :P Props to Hathaway for her performance in this one. I had written her off to be typecast as the helpless goody two shoes character but this one really changed the playing field. Pardon my silly movie tastes, but I'd give her an award for this one, just because. :P
I've also been playing catch-up with the Transformers series. Not being able to watch regularly as a kid left me with a sense of yearning, since I only caught a few snippets of the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. Now, I have been granted the wonderful opportunity to watch the entire classic series in full.
Awwwwwwwww Yeeeaaaaaaahh!!
I couldn't care less for the abomination that was Beast Wars. What kind of crap was that? Prime, an ape? I know sometimes the Transformers had organic looking forms like Ravage, Laszerbeak, the insecticons, Dinobots, etc, but that dosen't justify making an ugly-as-hell series which turned my childhood upside down. Heck, I never even bothered to watch a single minute of it. Just seeing it in commercials made me want to puke.
I think I'll get along very well with this guy. :P