Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Nabunutan ng tinik

I wanna give credit for this image, but its been like 5 years already and I'm no longer sure where on FB I found it.. Sorry.. :(

At long last! I'm finally done with my clinical research requirement and can now apply for my diplomate examinations! *whew!*

Now all that's left is to prepare a presentation to be given at the paper presentation event a few months later.

I decided since the end of fellowship that I would be focusing solely on getting the paper and presentation done first before moving on to studying for the boards. The reason would be twofold..

1) It would pressure me out of procrastination to finish my paper since further delays would eat into my study time.

2) I'm not really too much of a multitasker, so simultaneously studying and doing the paper would prove disastrously counterproductive.

As is typical of me, I would like to take this momentary lull to thank everyone who made finishing the paper possible :P :

- The Big Man Upstairs, who has seen me through all sorts of different trials, examinations, lectures, presentations, researches, personal tragedies, and whatnot. Thank you for always guiding my way..

- My family for always putting up with me :P

- My Other Half for always being the voice of encouragement and motivation, who drives me to get off my ass and just do it!  :D

- My ulttra-chill consultant adviser, Dr. Ging Ladrera, who was there every step of the way, from raw conceptualization until the final draft review.

- Dr. Joseph Obusan and the rest of his Radiology staff for their invaluable support during my data gathering phase. I hope the results of this study will be of use to you as well. :)

- My batchmate and the present queen bee of LCP, Dr Raiza Visita, for kindly allowing me to occasionally print research-related documents at the fellows' callroom.

- The MICU staff, for allowing me to use the bizbox during downtimes so I could get my data on point.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all! :)