Saturday, July 4, 2020

Past the midpoint

Wow, it's July already! We've already done six months of this crazy shitshow we call 2020. To think that everything seemingly started (from a local standpoint at least) with an unprecedented volcanic eruption..

Then the virus showed up. A country did what it did best (conceal information) and the resulting payout was an actual pandemic. Way to go. #sarcasm

To tell you frankly, I'm really sick of this virus and everything it has changed.. If you think about it though, everything DID change, and not necessarily for the better. I now often find myself longing for the so-called "good old days". I'm not just talking about immediately pre-Covid here, but of decades before when life was simpler and people seemed a bit more decent (I think?)

I think it's great that the government has finally thought of bringing back "Good Manners and Right Conduct" to the curricula. Too many shitty kids growing up into shitty adults already. The question remains.. Why did you only think of it now?

My optimism was dampened somewhat with the recent reports of a new peak in Covid cases reaching more than a thousand. It is no surprise that it coincided with the relaxing of restrictions. I understand that people have to get out in order to restart the economy, but why do people have to be so irresponsible though?

I read a news article the other day that a pair of individuals from the same household had passeddue to Covid, and that the infection could be traced to a get-together the family had to (probably) celebrate the return of a family member (repatriated OFW?). Frankly, I'm, not surprised. It would suck if I were the index case and I survived though. I would have to like out the rest of my life knowing that their deaths fall squarely on me and probably my irresponsibility.

With the relaxation of rules, more people are now going out, and my parents are no exception. Even though they hardly go out (thank goodness). Like any good son, I would like to keep them safely tucked at home, but would not deny them a bit of travel when needed (haircuts, etc), but the logistics of trying to keep them safe can be really exhausting.. 😟 My only consolation is at least they complied to my specifications this time around, so my heart is not so heavy with worry anymore.

Still, I find myself maintaining a heightened level of paranoia around my parents. Every little cough or yawn makes my hair stand on edge as I nervously wait of there are any other signs or symptoms.. There is still that ever-present fear that I might bring the virus home, and the results would be catastrophic. 😟

I grow tired of the disinfection routine I have performed since the lockdown of shedding clothes and soaking in bleach before entering the house to take a quick shower, plus the other little precautions I take. Be that as it may, I constantly remind myself that "Any lapse, or any breach may result in disaster for the family", so I carry on.

Sleep Med has been getting more and more interesting as of late. I'm finally getting the hang of reading the somnograms, and am now a bit more confident in dealing with patients on my own before referring them to the consultants. Looking back, I still can't believe that I'm an actual fellow-in-training again, 😅, but as I go along, I also realize that it was the best possible move I could make at the time, and has paid off until now. and in a few months' time, I will be better than ever! 😉 I just hope I can finish all these requirements and pass the board examinations though. 😅😅😅

USA, anyare?

I will let the graph speak for itself..

Grabe lang ha..