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Several days ago, my good friend Emer got married, and I was once again given the honor of being best man, which meant that I had to give yet another speech! (Gee, thanks a lot dude!) :P
Luckily, I'm no stranger to the task, having put together a wedding toast once before for Regan and Shiela's wedding.
This toast may seem a bit similar to the original since I followed the same format and only made it A FEW HOURS before the wedding. :P
I knew posting the speech online would come in handy if ever I needed to make a toast again! Hehehe!
Good evening everyone. On Mimi and Emer’s behalf, I would like to thank you for coming together to celebrate this special event with them. My name is Brian, and as one of Emerson’s closest friends, I have been given the special honor of speaking before you here today as the Best Man.
Before anything else, I would also like to thank the parents of the bride and groom for their generosity, to everybody who tirelessly worked to make all of this possible, to Mimi for generously taking my friend off our hands :P, and to Emer, for once again validating that among the guys, I am the best man! :P
No wedding toast would be complete without a peek back into the groom’s life when he was younger. Emerson has been my classmate in Xavier from the 1st to the 7th grade. During that span of time, we became very good friends as we put together a barkada of sorts that still congregates to this very day on our occasional Boys’ Night Out. As I can recall, Emer was always the clown of our group when we were kids.
His pleasant demeanor and well-timed jokes often turned sour situations into barrels of laughter. He was a friend with whom you could talk to about basically everything under the sun, from cartoons to rubber shoes, to even secrets and insecurities
Family and loyalty were also his strong points, being a dutiful and loving son to his parents, a caring and protective ahia to his sisters, and an extremely reliable buddy to his peers. These character traits show you what kind of person he really is. Eventually, we grew up and went our separate ways in college and beyond, but have remained in close contact through the years, with the boys getting together whenever Emer was in town.
When Emerson told us that he was getting married, we naturally wanted to meet this woman of his dreams whom he has fallen head over heels for. I remember that night when the group was introduced to Mimi. She struck me as a very sincere and kindhearted lady with a wonderful sense of humor, who just seemed to “click” with Emer. We knew right then and there that they were perfect for each other. Fast forward a few months, and here we are..
Still, I’m not one to give any advice on marriage, now being the lone bachelor of the group :(, but I’ll reinterate what I may have said once before, that “any relationship, especially a marriage, is all about sacrifices and learning. It won't always be fun and games, but as long as you're willing to compromise for each other and take time to talk and figure each other out, you'll never go wrong.”
With that, I would like to invite everyone to stand up and join me in raising their glasses as we toast the newlyweds. To Emer and Mimi, I wish you guys all the best in a long and happy marriage, and may you have the grandest time of your lives while you’re at it! Cheers! :D