Wednesday, July 27, 2016

From Russia with love...

Just a quick hit before I return to my regularly scheduled programming..

I just saw on the blogger control panel that this blog has recently registered a whopping 252 hits from Russia!

So.. uh... hi to all my Russian readers out there. :)

Please do drop me a line. It'd be great to hear from you. I can't speak or read your language though :/

(*though I think the hits may not really be legit and are just part of a greater scam scheme or something..)


There are days when I neither require nor desire human interaction. This is one of those days..

Being around other people can be such a chore, and it makes it even tougher when the very nature of your work requires engaging with others on a regular basis.. :/ 

It is yet another duty day, and by the way things are shaping up, I think I'm in for on hell of a ride..

I had a brief conversation last night with my Other Half (Hi!), and she told me that she was feeling pretty much the same way about work and what we are doing with our lives.. Unfortunately I had nodded off before I could give her a satisfactory reply.. (sorry!)

I wish I knew all the answers, but I was just as lost as she was.. Even now, with the present state of rhings in my life, I sometimes drift back to question the path I chose to follow so many years ago..

It really doesn't help that I'm not really fond of the people I'm presently working with.. Sad to say, I can even barely consider some of them as my friends. They are all just co-workers to me, some of which I may have a better understanding with than most. Unfortunately, lasting friendships does not seem to be in the discussion.. They are just really too different for me to be able to form an inrimate bond of friendship with.

I hate to use this line, but mom was right. In life, you will only meet a handful of individuals who you will consider as your true friends, and I'm glad I have my BNO boys for that.

Sigh.. Other people are just so irritating at times, and even more annoying is the fact that they have absolutely no insight that they are the root of the problem and are either too stubborn and set intheir wicked ways or too goddamned stupid to change for the better. Maybe its also due to advanced age, i dunno. I've pretty much given up figuring these people out. I've already removed the Facebook application since I was tired of all the shallowness and superficiality that is on display. I desire to have real things, real interactions, realexperiences, all of which is according to my design.

That is something I will not be able to accomplish until I am rid of training already, and the following 8 months can't go by fast enough.. :/

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


For some strange reason, I feel compelled to blog today. It's as though I'm driven by a need to jot down something profound..

Nah.. :P


Our new president had his first Stae Of The Nation Address (SONA) yesterday, which to me seemed like a pleasant departure from what we see year in and year out, which is pretty much more of the same detached nonesense that the one in charge spout out. It was really different this time around. Although there were still shades of a well-prepared speech, our prisident made a lot of ad-libs and cracked a lot of jokes, making light of the situation and delighting both the atendees and viewers alike. He also gave the militants their free space to approach the venue, and the rallyists in turn did their part by not causing any trouble and even had pleasant interactions with the police, including the police chief himself.

Changwe has truly come to the Philippines, and I hope this will be all for the good of everyone (excluding the bad guys of course. They'll be dead :P)


I've been contemplating getting a vehicle for quite some time now, since the one we've been using has been suffering through a plague of various maladies associated with old age..

The market is presently rife with soooo many options despite my efforts to narrow it down given my very low budget..

I never knew car research could be so exhausting..

But I've had a recent breakthrough, like just a few minutes ago, which has helped me narrow things down by a great deal.. ;)


I should be going home in a few minutes, unfortunately there will be a Webinar (Web Seminar) later at the office, so we can't leave just yet.. :/Oh well, at least I get free grub..

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Just the same..

I'm spending a bit of quiet time here at the hospital library, since I'm already done with my rounds and the callroom suffers from lack of any semblance of air cobditioning. :P

I often find myself in this kind of funk when I had just experienced a wonderful weekend in the days that preceeded.. Having had the rare opportunity to spend a full day's worth of quality time will always give anyone an emotional high.. Sadly, the crash that follows seems to get worse and worse as the experiences becone more pleasant.. Its kinda like the allusion of "the higher you fly, the further you crash".. :(

I'm personally sick and tired of this emotional roller coaster that I go through whenever I get some much-needed R&R only to return to a situation I am no longer really happy with.. :/ I really do wish things would seem a bit brighter, but I'm at a loss with how I could make things work.. Its no fun going to work everyday with an apparent cloud of gloom over your head.. I guess this stems from my general  dissatisfaction  aboit life and it's every 3- or 4-day cycle... Or maybe the SH-ICU duties for two straight months have been really getting to me na.. :( I'm sorry to makeanother badtrip post, as I know I have promised to try and be more positive in the blog, but the problems remain, and sometimes grow in complexity and weight, which defeats my attempts at supressing them..

Sigh.. Things just seem to be so depressing right now, and I have absolutely no idea why... :(

Friday, July 15, 2016

I miss writing..

I really do.. Now more than ever, as it seems..

I find this quite odd, as I have gone for months at a time very no creative output to speak of, and it really didn't affect me as much..

I'm trying to make some radical changes in my life, so I could live life better, so to speak. But as everyone knows, change is hard, and habits are sometimes hard to let go, especially if you find pleasure in them..

I'm mainly talking about my love for mobile gaming through the use of my ever trusty iPad which has been in my possession for roughly 3-4 years now..

Though I have made some strides with my mobile problem, which is probably responsible for the deterioration in my eyesight, as I have successfully deleted my Facebook app and have resisted the temptation to reinstall it and go back to waste much of my time online. It was such a drastic change for me, but one I do not regret the very least. I still keep my messenger app handy for my chat group with the boys and my dear ones, but the temptation for easy access to the time sink called Facebook is long gone. :P

Now I find myself with time to do other things like continuing my Xbox NBA career, or catch up on my readings (since i have more than a dozen novels still lined up on my reading list)

I also miss writing, my main creative outlet for self-expression, and now with more and more time on my hands, I hope to be able to do this (and other things) more and more. :D