I'm spending a bit of quiet time here at the hospital library, since I'm already done with my rounds and the callroom suffers from lack of any semblance of air cobditioning. :P
I often find myself in this kind of funk when I had just experienced a wonderful weekend in the days that preceeded.. Having had the rare opportunity to spend a full day's worth of quality time will always give anyone an emotional high.. Sadly, the crash that follows seems to get worse and worse as the experiences becone more pleasant.. Its kinda like the allusion of "the higher you fly, the further you crash".. :(
I'm personally sick and tired of this emotional roller coaster that I go through whenever I get some much-needed R&R only to return to a situation I am no longer really happy with.. :/ I really do wish things would seem a bit brighter, but I'm at a loss with how I could make things work.. Its no fun going to work everyday with an apparent cloud of gloom over your head.. I guess this stems from my general dissatisfaction aboit life and it's every 3- or 4-day cycle... Or maybe the SH-ICU duties for two straight months have been really getting to me na.. :( I'm sorry to makeanother badtrip post, as I know I have promised to try and be more positive in the blog, but the problems remain, and sometimes grow in complexity and weight, which defeats my attempts at supressing them..
Sigh.. Things just seem to be so depressing right now, and I have absolutely no idea why... :(
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