I'm sorry to disrupt the flow of the blog, but I really just need to let off some steam...
I have tried for the longest time to keep this blog free from any negativity concerning politics and religion (except for that moron Pakyu, who never really deserved to get into the senate in the first place), but recent events have struck a nerve and compelled me to put this down.. This is an accumulation of years of pent-up outrage, and I really have to let this one loose lest I go insane..
I have no love nor even the least bit of liking for this so-called religion which preaches love for life and respect for others but those who claim to be true followers do just the opposite.. I am sick of reading about their religious intolerance in their home countries.. I am sick of hearing about how they treat women as second-class citizens.. I am sick of hearing about all this rhetoric of killing all who do not believe in their faith.. I am sick of how they force their religion unto others in this modern and supposedly more civilized age.. I am sick of all the killings that their nutjobs do in the name of their"great" god.. I am sick of their strict implementation of their religious law, which curtails basic freedoms and preaches a culture of hate and barbarism.. I am sick of reading about their religious texts which seem very inappropriate in this time of decency, which people still blindly follow by the letter since it is a supposed word of god.. All those abuses committed in the name of religion based on texts which seem very open to negative interpretations by the wrong people.. Yes I do fear them taking over the institutions of this civilization that people have struggled through centuries to put up and perfect. I have no wish for out culture to descend into barbarism, where basic decency is nonexistent and the rule of law seems animalistic.. I am so disappointed in them because even though the "decent" ones among them supposedly speak out against the evils their brethren have caused, it is often nothing more than just lip service to appease the outraged. They seem totally incapable of policing their ranks, or are they? A more sinister side to this is that they probably have a hidden agenda of letting their religion of evil run rampant across the globe, swallowing up all others in the name of their twisted ideologies.. The ones that they won't convert, they will kill.. all of this in the 21st century.. How disappointing.. Other religions have moved forth and adapted to the times, why can't they? Why can't they get along with the rest of the world? Why can't they accept that there will be others who will not believe what they do? Why do they have to force other people to adapt to their beliefs when other people don't really give a rat's ass? Why do they have to be treated extra special? It's kind of like a brat who makes a tantrum when it does not get what it wants and when it does get it by being persistently annoying, would desire more and try to get more since the trick already worked before.. Is it because they are truly evil? I'm sorry if this post may be offensive to some, but to tell you the truth, I have been offended too you know.. Do I not have a right to say my piece when I have been offended? It's just my opinion, or will you not respect that as well? This just proves my point..
Some would say, "you've made your point, but what could be done about it?" Its simple. Police your ranks! The change has to come from within. The other religions will not have a say in this, because it is yours and it is your responsibility to clean up your act because you will be held responsible by the deity that you follow. Change is badly needed if you want to change the perception of how the world at large sees you. If you are unwilling, then that's your problem, and sadly, it becomes the rest of the world's problem as well, which I find unfair because that's your choice, not ours. Why should you be a burden to the rest of the world if you already know the problem but is still unwilling to change..If you tried but are still unable to do anything about it, it might be time to look at yourself and change religions if the belief system does not suit you..
I am not here to convert anyone or force my belief system upon others. I am not calling for violence of any sort because I do not believethat it is appropriate for this situattion. I am just pleading with those people who can do something to go out and make a positie change to help everyone get along. Change what you have to, do away with any unecessary of potentially inflammatory statements in your texts that would do more harm than good. I don't know.. I just wish there would be less hatred and less opportunities to create hatred in religions name by altering the teachings to suit the needs of this more enlightened and civilized age where people are supposed to act with decency and not barbarism..
Sometimes I wonder how religion fits into today's modern society.. It was good to serve as a belief system during the olden time because you needed to unite people under a banner to create change. But seeing the way things are evolving now, with religion more often being used as a tool to try to move society back to the dark ages by way of adherence to and blind acceptance of outdated teachings that preach a lot of violence, intolerance, and sometimes dumb concepts that we now know have no place in the modern world we live in..
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