Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sick and tired of being angry..

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A quick look back at my blog reveals one prevailing theme.. I'm often really pissed at something or someone...

Although I may have found this therapeutic at times, I begin to wonder if this is no longer healthy for myself, my work, and the people around me.. [Not to mention my (limited) blog readership, who probably think by now that I'm a raving psycopath in person.] :(

I guess you could say that I've decided to turn over a new leaf.. I'll try to avoid all the focused anger and negativity that we already have enough of in the world today.. It's pretty sad when you think about it.  Life seemed a lot simpler and happier when one is younger. Problems were a lot easier to deal with, and relationships were a lot less complex.

But life goes on, as they say, and time waits for no one. As you get older, tasks get harder, and people become more difficult to deal with,

The idea of permanence suddenly becomes a farfetched notion as one realizes that nothing will ever remain static and that the only constant thing is change.