Tuesday, November 3, 2015

At the ER

It's time for another rotation at the Emergency Room, the rotation I like the least.. :( at least now the end seems to be in sight, with only roughly 20 ER duties to go before I will be totally rid of this forever..

It's really a struggle to get up and go to work day in and day out, especially if you feel that you've made some crappy life decisions along the way.. Makes me kinda wish I could turn back time and steer my life in a completely different direction.. Make no mistake, there have been blessings that came my way as well, but all the trauma and hardships I've been through seems to trump it all, and in the end there's just no contest..

I guess what I want to say is that I'm sick of having to worry about everything and that it would be nice to have nothing to worry about for a change...