Thursday, March 15, 2007

Revalida 2007: The last day

Revalida season is finally over (unless there were tribes that opted to re-schedule beyond today that we were unaware of).

Looking back, it was really a life-changing experience. Besides the fact that I had finally earned my MD, it brought newfound confidence in my abilities.

But before anything else, I want to thank the Lord for the revalida. It may have seemed like a horrible trial by fire, but it greatly deepened my faith and I learned to trust God even more. My father was right in saying that it does not matter if you are the smartest guy on the planet. There are so many variables beyond your control, so many things that are left up to luck and chance, things that only God can help you with.. Thank you so much.. I offer my MD up to you, because without you, I would have nothing, and without your help, this would not have come to be..

This makes me think back to first year, even as far as my MedTech internship days.. It was like "Wow, will I ever make it to that point when I would be taking my own revalida? What would it be like?" and stuff like that. Now that I've crossed the threshold from "pre-Rev" to "post-Rev", when I take a look at all the things I've been through to get to this point, it just seems absolutely incredible... All these books I've read (?), all the stuff I've learned, all the things I've seen (in clerkship), all the insights gained, etc.. everything leading up to this culmination of roughly four years' worth of sacrifices and hard decisions.

Yeah, I know I'm babbling, but I guess that's just what happens when you're feeling a million different emotions and want to say so many things at the same time. I have to wrap up now. Need to be back at the OPD in a while..

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