Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dune buster

I seldom do movie reviews, but this tasted so bad, I just had to spit it out...

I just watched the original Dune movie (courtesy of my super scifi collector cousin), and it SUCKED.. REALLY BAD!! Good Lord, Inever expected it would be that pathetic. I understand that it will not measure up to today's effects and whatnot 'coz it's pretty old film, but that's not the problem..

The storytelling was outright confusing! Scene transitions were too abrupt, and character development was mediocre at best as it left too many questions hanging about the different personalities you see in the film.. To avoid bias, I watched this movie BEFORE I read the actual novel. Although you could say I was "blinded" by the measure I took, the screenplay still didn't feel right, and you could really sense that there were a lot of things lacking..

I mean, I finished the movie wondering "What the hell just happened?" It has a very weak storyline, quite surprising since it was based upon an epic novel which recieved critical acclaim. When I got around to reading the book, things just got a whole lot worse.. I discovered that many things were removed, and original plotlines convoluted. It doesn't do any bit of justice to the Dune franchise.. (well, the sandworms were pretty cool, I'll give them that..) This has got to be the worst ever movie adaptation of a novel that I have ever seen.. Tsk tsk tsk...What a waste...


  1. you remember how much we loved the RTS of this?

  2. Yeah! It was just a phenomenon back then! And to think that "group commands" weren't allowed yet, so you had to click 'em one by one for orders. Nothing beats old school.. =P Im actually in the middle of a Dune 2 campaign right now playing the Atreides. ;)

  3. I think the TV mini-series did a better job.
