Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waiting, Hoping, Praying..

I took the qualifying examinations for pre-residency at my hospital of choce last Saturday, and the guy from the Medical Education department told me that they would be turning over the applicants' paper to the respective departments and I would just be texted next week or the first week of October if I was scheduled for interview (which meant that I passed the exam)..

It's amazing how time flies. It seems only yesterday when I was in a similar situation while I was applying for NeuroPsych pre-residency, although I don't recall ever being worried during the entire application process. I guess this was probably due to the fact that I was scrambling for requirements and didn't have time to be worried or to think about the possibility of my application not being accepted..

Hmmm, now that I've thought about it, last year I was driven by a sense of destiny, that it was something I was really meant to do. My idealism was running at an all-time high during those days, and I felt that I could take whatever they throw at me. Well, that really wasn't far from the truth, as the workload was bearable and I was fully prepared to go the distance and finsh the entire month of every-other-day duties. However, fate had other things in mind, and when the idealism fizzled away, I found myself searching for something very different.

Well, I've had my year off, and what a wonderful year it has been. :D Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I've had a unique opportunity to see the "other side of the fence" that people don't normally get to experience when they immediately proceeed with residency. In the lingo of Psychiatry, I was able to "satisfy certain needs and desires" which I may have been repressing due to the demands of my training. Finally, I was able to let loose and live life the way wanted to (which basically consists of lazing around and going places on my own , a luxury that used to be hard to come by, while using my miniscule amount of hard-earned cash) :P I know I've already mentioned the stuff I was able to do this year in a previous post, so I won't delve into that any more.

Fast-forward one year, and here I am, hoping to be a pre-resident once again, and this time it's for keeps! But until that fateful text arrives, there's nothing left to do but wait, hope, and pray... :(

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