Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have learned (slowly and via the hard way) that  being able to COMPLETELY disconnect yourself from your work is ABSOLUTELY necessary if you wish to save yourself from going insane or having a major breakdown..

I guess everyone has hang-ups about work, no matter what they do for a living. Unfortunately,  feel like I've drawn the shorter end of the stick, especially when I think of people with jobs that don't involve going on duty or having to stay in one place for more than 24 hours.. So to all you kids who want to take Medicine and become a doctor, REALLY think about it first. Man I'm tired already... I wsh I had more time to  myself.. 


  1. Relax muna, or change careers :) life is to short to do something you don't love anymore.. hehe :)

  2. No pain, no gain. I'm sure it will get better :) Maybe look back and remember why you wanted to be where you are right now and draw some motivation. You didn't make it this far for nothing, I'm sure. :) GO GO GO!

  3. Sana ganun kadali magbago ng trabaho sa profession ko pare.. :P
