Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Working Angry

I should not be blogging right now, since I'm supposed to be in the midst of preparing for a big-ass conference to be presented on Monday. But something in my head is screaming for its bloody release, so here we go..

I went to work this morning feeling absolutely lousy, and it didn't help that the traffic was just terrible when I left home, resulting in my coming in late for the 2nd time in 2 months.. :/ I'm really suspecting that I may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but I don't really have the time to get myself checked out. A funny thing since the Sleep Lab is on the floor where we make our rounds..

Truth be told, I think I'm starting to lose my faith in humanity.. You hear all this sad news from abroad about these individuals who have the nerve to actually call themselves "people" who are killing people left and right in an attempt to put up a rogue nation of sorts all in the name of their "religion". It sickens me that a wonderful thing like faith in an all-powerful diety can be perverted to evil means by selfish or twisted individuals for their own personal or misguided "selfless" gains.

I am not a religious bigot by any means, but its really frustrating when you hear the more conservative people from the same sect denouncing  theses monsters and yet they actually do little else.. Are they just paying lip service just so that their religion won't be seen in a bad light but the global community at large, whilst at the same time secretly rooting for these terrorists since they seem to promise a kind of religious utopia exclusive for them (no matter how perverted or horrible it may be for the other peoples, but who really cares about them anyway since they're all just unbelievers, eh?).

Its hard not to be suspicious, because all over the world you see them clamoring for special treatment, secession, and whatnot. What's wrong with just playing nice with everyone else? We're people too, you know. So what if we dont worship the same diety? Strict adherence to ancient texts which endorses the genocide of other people or treeating them poorly just because they don't worship who you worship is totally unfair, esecially if those people are just minding their own business.. Why can't you just leave them alone? Why do you have to push the issue? Religious belief is a very tricky thing, and people who are nuts have used it on many instances as a pretext for death and destruction. Maybe its time to reevaluate the teachings that you have. I have been looking into my belief system as well, and as a decent human being, I don't think I will be following any inflammatory statements regarding people of other faiths anytime soon because PEOPLE ARE STILL PEOPLE!!

I really want to respect everyone's belief system as long as they don't impinge on the rights of others. But that's the main problem here now, isn't it? There is a loss of respect for the rights of others. Just like a self-centered infant who always wishes to be the center of attention, or an impatient child who gets angry just because the grown-ups won't let him get his own stupid way, these misguided militants deserve to get their asses kicked before they could harm more people and ruin more lives.. I hope the moderate people among them finally wake up and see what is truly happening, and DO SOMETHING for the sake of human decency.

If these rouges are not true practitioners of your religion, then bring them to justice yourselves, or take a very big role in bringing them down, instead of the just watching as the rest of the world tries to fight them off while you sit smugly in your homes and wait for the dust to clear, and probably laugh at the rest of us if we fail to put them down. You have a stake in this too! Or maybe you just think that you'll be better off supporting the other side since they are technically your "brothers" anyway so you can just sit and watch the world burn.. Now I'm just sad for what humanity has become.... :(

Whoa.. That was uncharacteristically long, angry, and religiously flavored... I'm sorry. I'm just so fed up with the world right now.. There are other issues which kind of grind my gears, but this is the most pressing issue for me, which has been simmering beneath the surface for the longest time.. I'm not really comfortable discussing religion here as it would ruin the light-natured spirit of the blog, but this is also my own space where I can place whatever I want, especially issues which really get me ticked off.. I promise to tone down the rhetoric though, because this isn't really healthy either.

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