Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weaning Off

I've had enough!

As the second half of the year gets going, I have resolved to put my foot down and wean myself from my addiction to Facebook. :P Looking back at the previous year, I find that quite a sizeable chunk of my time is spent online checking my mousetrap, ghost trap,  or fishing line, tending to my farm and resto, answering silly quizzes or surveys, or viewing my friends' pictures or random thoughts..

Seeing residency time draw nearer served as a wake-up call for me. It's time I removed myself from the computer where I was accomplishing absolutely NOTHING, so that I could make a good effort to hit the books and prepare myself for "the next big step". (although I won't be giving up blogging anytime soon. ;) Thanks to achi "goldengirl" for the encouraging words! Its nice to know people actuallly like reading my blog :D)

Its not impossible, but it can be done. However, the UAAP season just started... :P and that's a story for another day. Hehehe

By the way, here are the UAAP opening day scores

UST def AdU 76-75 (This was the first UAAP game of former King Stallion Jeric Teng, where he came off with 3 markers. Go USTe!)

UE def DLSU 65-41 (lowest scoring output ever by DLSU in the UAAP)

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