Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I had another moment of clarity a while ago...

LIving life is akin to this long list of stuff that you have to arrange in order of importance. How you prioritize things directly affects the way you live your life.

People, places, opportunities, etc, all influence the way we think and decide, and the way we go about our daily lives. Though it may seem s bit grade school-ish. I've lumped together all these things under 5 very broad categories, namely:

God/Personal belief

Bear in mind that with our society today, prioritizing things isn't as simple as putting one category atop the other, since each category is an entire meshwork of choices, actions, people, etc, in itself, the priority of each individual item greatly varying from person to person.

The trick is making your "list" work for you by taking stock of what you already have and striving to make the most of it. For example, the simple working class guy may dream of living in a big mansion and driving a really fancy car someday, but if he's smart, he'll accept that those things aren't really feasible at the moment and instead should work towards simpler, more reasonable and attainable goals (like his kids' education for example), which when accomplished, may eventually pave the way to bigger things. The proper order of things in the list is crucial. Choosing to prioritize something that supposedly belongs lower on the list (like the fancy car in our example) may seriously jeopardize the simpler goals that NEED to be attained, or as some people would put is, one needs to balance his/her NEEDS and WANTS.

I've applied the same principle to my own choices (some of which I've already committed to [read Alea Jacta Est]. It makes it so much easier when you put things in perspective and be realistic about stuff, because the fires of idealism can only get you so far, and you run the risk of ignoring a lot after being blinded by your "ultimate" goal..

We'll just see what develops.. ;)

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