Wednesday, August 12, 2009


After lunch, I hung out for a bit in my cousin's office. She had a box of 100-piece jigsaw puzzles on the table and asked me and her bro to put one of them together. Since I wasn't really doing anything later on, I gladly obliged. The picture was of a lighthouse at dusk, with nearby trees and cottages seen in the background.

I attacked the puzzle with such gusto that it made me wonder why I was like that. I mean, I was really on a roll, fitting piece after piece effortlessly, flipping ill-fitting pieces around to find the perfect fit, while taking short breaks to regard the overall picture that was developing and comparing it to the original. In short, the puzzle didn't seem to puzzle me much. :P

I told my cousin that in soving these puzzles, one must be systematic, tackling the edges first then building the inside from there. He mentioned something about a different approach by doing things spontaneously (I can't recall what he really said), which obviously results in finishing at a slower rate.

After completing the puzzle (victory!), I reflected on the relative ease I had doing it (as compared to my cousin who seemed to be going about it a bit slower) and recalled an aptitude test I took in high school which revealed that I was good in spatial relations.. Does that mean I should've been better off as an engineer instead of a doctor? :P

Whatever the case, I (re)discovered that I had a knack for solving puzzles, and for putting stuff together to form a cohesive whole (what? :P). I may be reading too much into this, but I felt that there was a very good reason for that chance puzzle encounter.. It was as if God was trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what it is.. Could it be related to life's great choices that I have to make? Hmm... ;)

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