Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thoughts Along a Hospital Hallway

2nd flr, CMC, 2:22pm


While waiting, I was struck by a sudden moment of clarity about our chosen careers and how we'll probably be living our lives for the next three or so years..

Sometimes I'm still astounded with all the sacrifices one has to make in being a doctor. You sacrifice personal time, earning capacity, and even a good part of your youth, all in the name of training, training to help sick people get better..

Sure, it may all seem so lofty, noble, and idealistic. But during those rare unguarded moments when you're tired or just sick of everything, you begin to question yourself and think: "What the hell am I doing with my life??"

Sigh.. I know that the end is in sight for people at my level.. Residency would (hopefully) go by pretty quickly, but that doesn't change the fact that it still goes uphill from here.. Another glaring question awaits when you get a little older: "Has it all been worth it?" Check back with me in a few years...


  1. Yeah I know the feeling. You're walking in the hospital, on a normal day...then suddenly you just feel like you're're there but you're not really there. You belong (with your white coat and all) but you ask yourself, is this where I really belong?

    But then, God put us is our destiny. Someone has to be there make people better. We were chosen. So this must be our purpose. :)

  2. The sad thing is, I wasn't even a pre-res there. Nagsusundo lang ako. :P
