Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Construction Yard Blues

I'm stuck at home as we have renovations ongoing. Being the one who isn't really gainfully employed at the moment, it was only natural that I remain behind to "watch the house". Since there is some stonework going on, the place is often bathed in a thin layer of white dust. Besides the obvious dustiness kicked up, you also have to deal with the noise pollution, what with all the grinding, hammering, and drilling going on.

Funny, as a kid I used to love the smell of a new house, or more specifically the smell of freshly-laid cement. :P I guess I liked the smell because it was the scent that greeted me everytime I dropped by our house when it was still under construction. Its probably the thought of being able to move into my own room soon that was attached to the particular "scent memory".

By the way, it's my lawyer's birthday today!! Happy Birthday bro!! :P

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