Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dawn Riser

I awoke this morning to the unmistakable feeling of wanting to go to the loo. I know it seems like a pretty unceremonious way to start the day, but what the heck, at least it got me up early in the morning.

Some people tend to distinguish themselves as Dawn or Dusk persons. I think I could be both. I enjoy the comforting hue of the early morning AND early evening sky. The light is not too bright nor too dark, and (usually) the ambient temperature is pretty cool. Sometimes its really tempting to just sleep in under these conditions (especially in the AM), but I find that these are the times of day which I am most productive and when my mind is at its sharpest (although being in bed for about 6-8 hours doesn't hurt either).

Hmm.. now that I think about it, I guess dawn works better for me than dusk. :P

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