Sunday, July 17, 2005


It's Saturday, and here I am in school... and I'm even in uniform!! :P No, I don't have an extension class, nor did they declare that they were making life even more toxic for us by cutting our weekend in half. :P I just came from the ward where i visited "my" patient. Though I'm still disgruntled with the extra load this module has placed upon us (more than any other subsec for that matter), at least I'm grateful for the chance to be able to go on a solo flight and handle a patient all to myself. :D It's really something else when you do it alone.. Nobody asking questions in an order you wouldn't normally prefer, no more lengthy arguments on physical examination findings, etc.. It's just you, your skills, and the patient before you. It just feels so empowering! Though I know come thursday I'll probably be chewed out by our facilitator for stuff I surely missed or failed to do, at least its been a good learing experience.. (though I wish my learning experience could be a bit more pleasant if our faci would be just a teeny bit nicer to her students.. :P)

I'm beginning to learn how to cope with the multitude of stresses that Med throws our way.. I guess I shouldn't take everything to seriously and just to my best to put up a good and honest effort in everything I do.. though most of the time it's easier said than done.. sigh... I'm just praying I won't get chewed out so much when the time comes..

1 comment:

  1. Looking back at this entry 12 years later, I can't help but feel a tinge of satisfaction on realizing that this was an important turning point in my career as a medical student..
