Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hay naku..

Saw this status message on a friend's Facebook wall..

"If you ask yourself why doctors charge so much for consults. It's because we don't get paid vacation, we don't get paid sick days, we don't get bonuses for outstanding performances nor for Christmas. We don't have insurance plans nor do we qualify for unemployment. We sacrifice our family on special days so that we can bring treatment to others. Illness or personal affairs are not excuses for a misdiagnosis or mismanagement. Next time you ask, remember that doctors are doctors because of the love of life, but that love doesn't pay debts. Re-post if you're in a medical field."

Fair enough, but I think it doesn't necessarily justify the high costs of consults. I guess defending the need for doctors to actually charge for consults would be more appropriate. Sadly there are many people who are jexpecting to get a free ride "just because" it's a noble profession, charity first, you're not a good doctor if you charge the ailing patient, yada yada yada.. That's bullshit! Doctors have to eat and pay bills just like everyone else too, you know!!

1 comment:

  1. not just for medical field but in any other profession as long as you put premium in yourself and what you do.
