Sunday, November 13, 2011

Twit Twit!

I've been fooling around with Twitter lately. I initially signed up for an account a year ago just to make sure no one got my username. :P That being said, my Twitter lay dormant for the longest time, with me hardly adding anything nor tweeting a single character of text.

Then I met a friend who's totally into it. Having added him up (for lack of anything better to do), I began replying to some of his Tweets. Then I began looking at other people's Tweets. Then I started adding other people/personalites/organizations. Then I started reading the news via Twitter.

And just like that, I found myself hooked, though not to the point where I just sit around and sift through tweets all day. :P

My skepticism gave way to curiosity and genuine interest. This is actually a great social tool. Not as revealing as, say Facebook, yet it allows you to place your current thoughts out there in real time for all the world to see. The premise is so simple that it worked great!

Just when I thought I was going to get a whole lot more studying done.. :P