Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mortality and Morbidity

Amidst all the banter here at the office while waiting for the start of the conference, I'm able to sneak in a little time to type an entry..


During Conference

Luckily the laptop is still open and I'm tucked away at the end of the table so I can keep on typing. Its a duty day again today.. At least I was able to squeeze in a little personal time yesterday before going home. :) I'm really grateful for the time well spent. Its amazing how much you can accomplish when everything is within arms' reach, so to speak. ;)

Gosh, thisis taking quite a while.. I hope OPD won't be too busy today. I'm feeling really sluggish enough as it is, and I still have quite a laundry list of things to do..

My batchmate is inviting me to go out with them tommorrow. Though I'm grateful for the invite, I would very much rather go straight home to my bed to rest. And who know, there might be another oppotunity to have a little private time again. :)

I love sleep. Aside from the obvious benefit of allowing you to rest your aching body, it also affords a brief getaway from everything else, a special time away from all the hustle and bustle of the routine of daily life. :P

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