Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Dakilang utusan: the future clerk

Even my brother likes the LRU.. and he's never even set foot in this place...

He sent me a buncha stuff that he got from the computers at school through email and wants me to download them for him.. so here I am... (grumble grumble... utos ng utos... grumble grumble..)

Broadband internet is so cool... :D

I'm contemplating renting an apartment for clerkship.. I hear that the schedule is gonna be a killer, and confounding that is the fact that we're gonna be a smaller batch of clerks compared to batches before..

More work for us... whoop-dee-do!.. :P

One word would be inadequate to sum up what I'm feeling right now as we draw ever closer to our next goal.. It's a whole buncha mixed emotions.. One one hand, I'm feeling relieved that I'm almost done with this part of my education, since it won't be as academic as before.. but then again, I'm apprehensive 'coz of the following:

1) I feel that I 'm inadequately prepared to be a clerk (just take a look at my grades)
2) the reported workload is a killer
3) there's a whole lot more responsibility involved (we're dealing with human lives here!!)
4) ... let's just say that I'm having second thoughts about certain people around me...

1-3 don't really bother me that much.. its the fourth item that could spoil everything.. Oh well, that's life I guess..

You really can't choose the people around you... I'll just try to make the most of everything.. Basta I'll do what's expected of me, but don't expect me to be amiable... I'm sick of people shutting me up whenever I have something to say or being ignored if I have an idea different from what the general public has.. (which more often than not turns out to be the right thing to do).. I'm really sick of being pushed aside... especially when I just act in good faith.. walang malisya.. nakakasawa na talaga eh... If you don't want me nice, then I hope you'll like me when I'm really nasty...

Good luck na lang sa clerkship

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