Saturday, May 16, 2009


I've thought about writing my own memoirs for the longest time, given my penchant for putting dowen details about my life through blogging or other media.  Then again, I've had a pretty rough life (from my point of view), especially my childhood and adolescence, so I might be tempted to lash out at certain people without giving a damn. So I guess I'll have to shelve that plan for the meantime. :P

When I was a child learning about the different books available at the library (fiction, atlases, encyclopedias, biographies, etc) in Reading class, I was intrigued by the number of autobiographies available. I thought it must have been really tedious for those old guys to look back and remember their lives in the greatest detail possible and put it down on paper, as I even had trouble just remembering what I ate for breakfast that morning. :P As i grew up, my concept of the autobiography evolved as well. When we were introduced to journal writing when we were in high school, I kinda enjoyed it, especially when the teacher would put his or her comments and insights into what I had written down, which is why I think I was drawn to the concept of blogging. Its really a hoot to recieve comments from people who've read what you've posted, but I digress. Eventually, I took to journal writing on my own, chronicling the events of my otherwise mundane life. Conspicously absent from my personal accounts were the trials I endured during high school. I guess there's a part of everyones life that he or she dosen't want to relive again, especially if it seemed pretty traumatic to the person. I've made my peace with my past.. I think.. :P Journal writing gave me free reign of my abilities at creative expression. It was my escape from the dreary day-to-day routine that was my life. t allowed me to vent my anger and frustrations in a safe manner and to keep my happy moments fresh to be relived another day.

People generally have this desire to express themselves. Cave paintings dating back to the dawn of humankind attest to this. There's this need to share one's experiences and insights to others. For some, it may be a way of immortalizing oneself and ones legacy. For others, it may be solely for monetary gain, or the chance to boost one's ego. :P

I prefer to think of my writing as a creative exercise, with a small chance of earning a few bucks on the side. ;) I'll have to give this idea some thought. Who knows, I might be hitting the shelves of your nearest bookstore soon, albeit with a lot less venom than I'd normally prefer. Hahahaha :D

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