Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finished Plants vs Zombies... what? :P

Lately, there was a lot of buzz around this new Popcap game called Plants vs Zombies, and I decided to check it out.

It's apparently a grid-based RTS similar to those Maze Defense games I've seen around (and I believe there's one on Facebook).The premise is simple. You use these plants available in your arsenal to stop wave after wave of the undead who are out to get your brains.. (hmm, didn't that Scarecrow guy from the Wizard of Oz lack a brain, and was on a quest to gain one?.. :P) In order order to prevent this grisly fate, you have to make your stand outside your house and prevent these pesky invaders from getting in. Putting up your defenses on your front lawn, backyard, and even rooftop, you encounter varied types of opposition, using an ever-expanding arsenal of the latest in botanical weaponry. :D

Gameplay itself is pretty straightforward. You're given a grid representing one of those three areas mentioned above, and are expected to put up different plants to prevent these waves of ghouls from reaching your home. A vast assortment of produce is at your disposal, from the basic pea shooters, to the defensive Wall-nuts and the Watermelon catapults.. :P Of course, as with any good RTS game, a form of currency is needed in order to acquire these weapons of plant destruction. The game uses "sun power" which is gained from sunflowers or the sun (during day stages), and a weird type of power-producing fungi during the night.

I'd say Popcap really outdid themselves with this one. Despite it's whimsical appearance, the game is really addictive. Although I finished it within a day, it still contains an entire slew of unlockable mini-games and purchasable weapons upgrades that keep you coming back for more.. Playing the game again is not as easy as it sounds. I started again at level 1-1 thinking that it would be a real cakewalk since I had all the weapons already. It was easy, but not as easy as I thought. The developers turned up the difficulty a notch to ensure replayability.

With solid game mechanics and the neat artwork that has been Popcap's trademark, Plants vs Zombies has taken the "casual gaming" revolution a step further.

Check out the game here -> CLICK ME!

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