Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sci-Fi bookworming..

I've been bitten by the reading bug these past few days, thanks to a healthy exposure to great finds at Booksale and Goodwill. :P It's just insane.. In a span of 4 days, I was able to burn through 3 different books! And here they are in the order they were read..

I'm such a Star Wars geek. :P Dad snapped this one up for me at the Booksale branch there in Shoppesville. Turns out it was a sourcebook of sorts for the now-defunct Star Wars role-playing game. It contained a lot of in-depth (presumably canon) material on the inner workings of the Rebel Alliance, from the chain of command, down to the equipment dossiers. Being true to the RPG form, it also provided pre-rolled stats for certain characters mentioned within that can be used as NPCs. I totally devoured this book, finishing it in around 5 hours. :D

On the same day that dad bought me the Star Wars book, I browsed through the bargain shelves there at Bridges Bookstore in VMall. I was hoping for another Dune book, having initally found House Atreides there. Alas, my search was fruitless, but I picked up this novel about Picard's first command  and his foray beyond the galactic barrier. This book didn't put up much of a fight either, and I finished it in around 5 hours (9pm-1am)!

When we went to SM City North EDSA this past Sunday, we browsed through the Booksale there as well. Lo and behold, I was able to secure a copy of the second book in the Dune series (I was so entranced by Dune: House Atreides that I went out and bought a copy of the original Dune novel at full price). I started work on it right away, and finished reading it around midday yesterday.. :P

I still have a book up my sleeve, having bought Das Boot (The Boat) at the same time as the Star Trek novel. :D Now if only I could make this enthusiasm carry over to my academic readings.. :P 

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